The perspective of our customer service:

An organization's commitment to customer service depends on the firm’s business philosophy, beliefs, and values that depict its aspects & attitude of that firm. It should be its goal to make the customer delighted subject to evaluation of each expectation which is aroused from the awareness of his total perceived cost. Hamko service department realizes that acquiring the love & respect of customers is to improve in adding valued service & its quality through differentiated tasks & effort.

At first, we feel that we need to increase the awareness of the customer about which kinds of service they preserve as a right to have. We try to determine what type of service can be considered as a latent demand of customers that cannot be expressed generally by them. In this sequence we would like to ensure ourselves in pre-sales support of the customer, support during the sales as well as ensure after-sales service of the customer.

"Different levels of service to become the customer delighted"
The service or support which is focused on “pre-sales service”:
  • Customer consulting, educating & providing suggestions through countrywide digital online & offline service networks.
  • Battery and its charging system checking in free of cost at the convenient site of vehicle owners in any place of the country.
  • Answering consumers’ questions about the product or service through a toll-free hotline.
  • Answering consumers' questions through writing, editing, posting & promoting content in the form of blog posts, we generate ideas for said content & maximize website traffic by utilizing search engine optimization keywords so they may make perfect buying decisions.
The services which are focused on “during the sales”:
  • Provide a product training manual.
  • Provide Guarantee cards with maintenance instructions & guarantee conditions.
  • Offer supported service.
  • Lifetime service assurance of the product free of cost.
  • Installation.
Customer service gap perception:

After-sales service is any support provided by us to our customers after the product or service has already been sold. Every business is a service business, we are deeply concerned about one thing: how to put a smile on the customer's face. We use after-sales support as a business strategy as it typically leads to higher customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, and even positive word-of-mouth. We know customers form service expectations from experience, word of mouth & different offers. Customers compare the perceived service with the expected service. Sometimes there may have some gap between customer-perceived service & customer expected service like

  • Which service customer tends to have is not realized perfectly by the service provider.
  • Again Service provider realization is not matched with provided service quality.
  • Again service quality specification is okay but not delivered perfectly.
Principal & business morality:

From the above realization our service has been characterized by the following determinants;

  • Our Liability - how to provide the promised service in any adverse situation.
  • Our Responsiveness is how to perform the promised service dependently & accurately.
  • Our empathy – how to care for the customer through individualized attention.
The service which is focused on “after-sales service”:

What kinds of problems are faced by the customer or what types of service customers can expect after buying a Hamko product is encompassed by the following process for “after-sales service”.

  • Messages to take service from a suitable place or our service center after every two or three months.
  • Resolving the discrepancy subject to raise with direct communication through twenty-three own service centers.
  • Complaint fairness, interaction fairness & complaint delivery, or solution fairness.